WSA WED-9, Polish wedding in Sheridan, Wyoming, 1950s
Though the State of Wyoming did not begin to keep track of marriages until 1941, they have been registered at the county level since 1869.
Did the marriage happen UNDER 50 years ago?
The state-issued certificate is not yet an open public record. Contact Wyoming Vital Statistics. Or contact the County Clerk's office for a county issued certificate.
Did the marriage happen OVER 50 years ago?
The certificate is an open public record. Contact or visit the Wyoming State Archives.
Are they available online?
Yes, we have partnered with to make state issued marriage certificates available through their platform, 1941-1971. Don't have an account? Your local public library may have a subscription or you can contact the WSA directly.
County marriage record for Ernest Hemingway and his third wife, Martha Gellhorn, married in Cheyenne on November 21, 1940. (Laramie County Marriage Record book 34 page 153)
Not all county marriage records are the same and many of the forms varied over the years. In general, these records include:
County marriage records may also include:
Marriage certificate for Floyd A. and Dorothy Bauman, married April 8, 1946 in Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming. (Wyoming Vital Records marriage certificate #798, 1946)
In general, State-issued certificates include:
For more information on a marriage, or to find corroborating records, look for:
Marriage certificates and the information they contain is very useful to identity thieves. To better protect Wyomingites, the Wyoming Department of Health has restricted these state-issued records for 50 years and require an application and proof of identity to view those created less than 50 years ago. After that time has passed, the certificates become open public records, available to anyone without an application. The county-issued records are open public records available through the local county clerk's office.
Yes. Marriage records were created at the time of the marriage and the information was provided by the individuals themselves (1st hand account). But that does not mean that everyone provided accurate information, especially if they were under age or eloping!
Citations are an important part of documenting your search and add credibility (and reliability) to your research.
[Name of person], [year/certificate number or book and page], marriage [certificate/record], [creating agency], [repository]
For Example:
Floyd A. and Dorothy Bauman, #798/1946, marriage certificate, Vital Statistics Unit, Wyoming Department of Health.
Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn, Book 34 Page 153, marriage record, Laramie County Clerk, as on file at the Wyoming State Archives.
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