Many article databases allow you to limit your results to full-text only. But sometimes the best article in the results may only be available as an abstract or citation. When that happens, you can use the handy resources below to find out whether the article is available in its entirety in another online resource.
Browse or search the eJournals A to Z list. Search by the title, ISSN, or browse by subject area. Results will display the dates of coverage, whether the journal is peer-reviewed, and a link to the database. These links will often take the user directly to the journal title in the resource, where each issue and contents are listed in chronological order.
If you want to find out whether your library subscribes to a magazine or journal in print, search the WYLD Libraries Periodicals in Print catalog. After searching for a title, limit by library, or click on the title of the journal to see all subscribing libraries and coverage.
If you are still unable to find the article you need in full text, contact your library to learn about options for inter-library loan.
For more information, view the database specific tips below, or view the video tutorial below.
If it is not available in full text, go back to the abstract and click on Check for print availability. Locate in your library or place an interlibrary loan request in WYLDCAT.
©2000-2023; The Wyoming State Library
Your library may license resources not listed here. Please check with your local library for a complete list of available resources.
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