Campbell, John A. Collection, C-1049
Campbell, John A. Gubernatorial Papers, RG0001.01
Hebard, Grace Raymond Collection, H2002-108
Hebard, Grace Raymond Letters, MSS 313E
Jensen, Sadie Bristol. Letter, MSS 679
Meldrum, John, W. Papers, MSS 554
Nickerson, Herman, G., Collection, B-596
Snow, Agnes K. Collection, C-1104
includes correspondence with Carrie Chapman Catt arranging the return of two illuminated letter from the women of Great Britain congratulating the women of Wyoming for gaining the vote, both dated 1891. This file also includes a "playlet in one act" about Esther Morris' tea party
Wright, Agnes R., MSS 246E, "How Women Voted in 1916"
Yates, William. Papers, MSS 104.
Chapman, Miriam Gantz. "The Story of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming, 1869-1890," MA Thesis, University of Wyoming, 1952.
Ewig, Rick. "Did She Do That? Examining Esther Hobart Morris' Role in the Passage of the Suffrage Act, " Annals of Wyoming 78 (Winter 2006), 26-34.
Fleming, Sidney Howell. "Solving the Jigsaw Puzzle: One Story at a Time," Annals of Wyoming 62 (Spring 1990), 23-73.
Hebard, Grace Raymond. "How Suffrage Came to Wyoming," MSS 313B, Wyoming State Archives.
Hebard, Grace Raymond and Marie Montabe. "The Birth of Wyoming Day," MSS 313, Wyoming State Archives.
Larson, T.A. "Petticoats at the Polls: Woman Suffrage in Territorial Wyoming," Pacific Northwest Quarterly 44 (April 1953).
_________. "Women Suffrage in Western America," Utah Historical Quarterly 38 (Winter 1970), 7-19.
Massie, Michael A. "Reform is Where You Find It: The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming," Annals of Wyoming 62 (Spring 1990), 2-22.
Metcalf, Agnes. "Why Wyoming is the First State in the United States Giving Suffrage to Women," microfilm, Wyoming State Archives.
Morton, Katherine A. "A Historical Review of Woman Suffrage," Annals of Wyoming 12 (January 1940), 21-32.
Rea, Tom. "Right Choice, Wrong Reasons: Wyoming Women Win the Right to Vote,", published November 8, 2014.
_______________. "How Woman Suffrage Came to Wyoming," MSS 455, Wyoming State Archives.
Warren, Bacid B. "How Wyoming Gave Women the Right to Vote," Empire Magazine, December 14, 1969.
"The West and the Legal Status of Women: Explanations of Frontier Feminism," Journal of the West 24 (January 1985), 47-56.
Beach, Cora May Brown. Women of Wyoming, Volumes 1-4, 1927.
Brown, Dee Alexander. The Gentle Tamers: Women of the Old Wild West. New York: Putnam, 1954.
Campbell, John. Woman Suffrage: Message of Governor Campbell to the Legislature of Wyoming, December 4, 1871.
Dobler, Lavinia. Esther Morris: First Woman Justice of the Peace. Riverton, 1993.
Harper, Ida Husted. The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, volume 1 and volume 2, 1898.
Hebard, Grace Raymond. How Woman Suffrage Came to Wyoming. N.d.
Hoyt, John A. Address upon Women's Suffrage in Wyoming . . . 1882
Kingman, John W. Woman Suffrage in Wyoming. 1876.
Mackey, Mike. Inventing History in the American West: The Romance and Myths of Grace Raymond Hebard. Powell: Western History Publications, 2005.
Plunkett, Horace. The Working of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming. 1890
Stratton, Fred D. Early History of South Pass City, Wyoming and How Women First Received the Right to Vote and Hold Office. N.d.
US House of Representatives, Hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary on Woman Suffrage, 1914
Wooldridge, Connie Nordhielm. When Esther Morris Headed West": Women, Wyoming and the Right to Vote. New York, 2001 [juvenile literature]
Wyoming Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, The Employment of Minorities and Women in Wyoming State Government. 1994
--, Journals and Debates of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention, 1889
Wyoming Legislator Database, Wyoming LSO, Wyoming State Historical Society
Wyoming Newspapers, 1867-1922, Wyoming State Library
Wyoming Legislation, House and Senate Journal, bill jackets and enrolled acts 1869-2000, Wyoming State Library
Wyoming Legislature Session Archive, House and Senate journals, bill jackets and audio 2001-present, Wyoming LSO
Rocky Mountain Online Archive, a regional catalog of finding aids and inventories of archival collections
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